
Andrea Schellmoser

Meet Andrea Schellmoser, Marketing & Communication Director Latin America & the Carribean at IWC. Andrea is a polyglot marketeer that has travelled worldwide, spreading her knowledge to impact the watchmaking industry. From a small team in IWC's HQ in Schaffhausen to leading the first e-commerce platform launch in Brazil from Miami, Andrea has been recognized for thinking forward and being a skilled marketing strategist.

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My career journey

I have been working for IWC for the past 20 years. I started my journey as a PR Project Manager in the beautiful HQ at Schaffhausen. I was really proud to join the world of watchmaking! At the time, I was 24 years old and I spoke 5 languages, which gave me a good foundation for the job. It was my first real job and I just loved working with the markets and being in contact with journalists all around the world. I organized SIHH (now Watches & Wonders) and also the yearly world meeting. I can say I had three great mentors along the way, who shaped me into who I am today. Two of them are still in the group and they became really close friends of mine.

Four years later, when IWC got integrated into the Richemont worldwide platform, I was given a new position as a Communications & Marketing Manager for Spain and Portugal, so I moved to Madrid. We worked hard to build the brand, transforming it into a solid business. Even if we worked hard, we still had a lot of fun!

In 2009, IWC offered me a position in Miami as a Marketing & Communication Director. So I grabbed my suitcase and moved to the sunshine state of Florida. In the past 12 years, I have had the chance to work with such an amazing team and the LATAM region is so full of diversity. We focused on building brand awareness and working on new retail opportunities. In 2020, we launched our first e-commerce platform in Brazil, the first one in South America. It has been an exciting journey and there are many more things to come!

I have two: Audrey Hepburn: “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible” and Charlie Chaplin: “You never find a rainbow if you’re looking down”

My biggest learning

From a professional perspective, my role and Maison have been constantly evolving over the years. I have been learning and adapting to new situations. I think constant learning and evolving personally and professionally is a big part of that change. You have to get moving, you have to keep evolving, be open to new things, to new ways of working. Adaptation is a big part of how I changed.


Some final words

During my time at HQ and IWC, my contribution was helping to build the foundation to integrate the markets to the different platforms by creating certain guidelines and processes while also creating relationships with editors. When I switched to the market side, my contribution became more “in the field” by implementing and rolling out the marketing strategies on a local level whilst also acting by the brand’s recent established ICARE philosophies. Looking back, this has always been a good push in terms of motivation for me!

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