Related press releases and other:

Decisions of the Richemont 2022 Annual General Meeting

Additional disclosure:

Wendy Luhabe has indicated that the Boards she serves on do not have an unreasonable demand on her time. Ms Luhabe did attend all the Richemont’s Board meetings. Having said that, Ms Luhabe has indicated that she is strongly considering stepping down from one of the Boards she chairs, as a non-executive, when her mandate comes to term. This will enable her to prepare her succession in a quoted group in an orderly and responsible manner.

Jasmine Whitbread received fees as an advisor to Richemont’s Governance and Sustainability Committee and its precursor from February 2020 till May 2021. Fees amounted to CHF10K, CHF25K and CHF5K for the financial years ended March 2020, 2021 and 2022, respectively.


AGM enquiries:

Company Secretariat